Friday, April 27, 2007

Public Relations and the White House

Panel Requests Tillman Documents
Friday April 27, 2007 10:16 PM
By SCOTT LINDLAW Associated Press Writer
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A congressional committee on Friday requested documents from the White House and Pentagon describing how and when the Bush administration learned the circumstances of Pat Tillman's death.
The House Oversight Committee is investigating why Tillman's family and the public were misled about the circumstances of his death.

Photo: another premier presidential PR and photo op coup
May 1, 2003, George Bush flew onto the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln and was hailed by a rapturous crowd.
News personalities gushed:

”And that’s the president looking very much like a jet, you know, a high-flying jet star,” Hardball, May 1, 2003

”As far as I’m concerned, that was one of the great pictures of all time. And if you’re a political consultant, you can just see campaign commercial written all over the pictures of George Bush.” said Bob Schieffer Meet the Press, May 4, 2003

”all those women who say size doesn’t count — they’re all liars.” with glowing admiration G. Gordon Liddy mused, Hardball, May 7, 2003

The War in Iraq Costs

Don't tell the well cloistered Laura Schlessinger how her war is crumbling behind her lying eyes.

4/29/07 American Forces Push Narcotics Trade in Afghanistan
Afghans hit hardest by biggest opium crop..Drug addiction from womb to grave threatens to undermine any hope of economic revival

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