Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Eringer writes again!

Eringer writes again!

The Wendy "investigator", Robert Eringer, recylces his old product, another Laura Schlessinger repeat, copy, same, repeat, copy, same, over and over ad nauseam. That serves one purpose...

[] Eringer's recent News-Press article/column [he's also a correspondent]:
June 14, 2008
Bilderbergers are still in cahoots
Robert Eringer

They're at it again -- a confab of politicians, bankers, industrial captains and scholars from North America and Western Europe. Some say they rule the world. "They" took their name from Hotel de Bilderberg, in the Netherlands, where they first met 54 years ago and have been meeting ever since, annually, for hush-hush talks on the foreign policies and economies of nations.
Last weekend they ensconced themselves inside Westfields Marriott Hotel in Chantilly, Va., near Washington, D.C.; [] the end

More about the dog who won't hunt...
Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Bilderbergers are the conspirator's kingpins and Eringer wrote The Global Manipulators: The Bilderberg Group 1980.

Eringer is such a shady character it was possibly set up by the Bilderbergers Group. Who knows? Eringer's m.o. is to pretend he's a "friend" while working against said "friend". He might be a friend to the best money sources. Basically, he has zero credibility. So he recycles Bilderberg and has a current assessment. Who cares?

Santa Barbara cares about real estate.
Why does this clown, who has a Montecito estate, need a seldom used "private work area built for him" at the News-Press?
Now that needs to be investigated.
If he doesn't produce a worthy local investigative piece, McCaw will look like she's using him to intimidate her already intimidated, dehumanized, spied on remaining employees.
If you haven't read "The Greatest Vendetta on Earth" it is by far more insightful than anything the News-Press will tell you.

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