Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wendy McCaw's Santa Barbara News-Press is busy reorganizing

Coincidentally, "dr" Laura Schlessinger is no longer doing her column at the News-Press [she gave a sudden notice and lame excuse on December 14, 2008]. Making Wendy look the fool again ["shackup-slut"]. McCaw clams and gives it up 100% to Schlessinger's poor manners, she's squirrely in social apropos and unprofessional. Who is in the drivers seat anyway? Where's the communication with readers and the Wendy timely 'appreciation' for Laura's kudos to the News-Press and her years as a loyalist? No farewell send off? Business Wire [protocol] announcement? These are two odd ducks. Both McCaw and Schlessinger are habitual prevaricators and refuse to be even the slightest transparent. They prefer their darkness and the rumor mill.

Schlessinger wrote:
"From me to you, adieu to Page 2 Final column: Today will be my last Page 2 column for the News-Press. All the "problems" (aka: union issues) notwithstanding, I am appreciative and proud to have had the opportunity to contribute to my community's local paper.
You folks cannot imagine all the stress and strain that the people who work for the News-Press have withstood with the constant attacks on the paper and its efforts from those with a determined political agenda. I am impressed and grateful for their courage and fortitude.
It is curious to me that there might be many in Santa Barbara who don't quite know why they're supposed to "hate" the News-Press but choose to do so because they've heard this-or-that. I encourage you to support your local newspaper so that it can grow and flourish and provide you with the information you need as a citizen and a neighbor."

"All the stress and strain that the people who work for the News-Press" ?
How often was she there? Her contacts were?
Workers struggling for their rights are not her elitist political agenda. The paper is attacked because of it's lack of integrity, for the way they divide the community and for their deaf uncaring ears.

Coincidentally, at this time "dr" Laura Schlessinger's government charity "America Supports You" is under investigation for not supporting the troops.
They did support celebrities that did PR for them.
Laura was a major "America Supports You/Operation Family Fund" celebrity.
Where's her project manager, Mike Cash, now? She did huge promotions and used the News-Press to advertise [free propaganda] these alleged support the troops pro-war rallies to solicit money for PR. Curious, the News-Press and Laura are quiet now the troops got screwed.

Supporting The Troops?


The alleged 54 year old Robert Eringer writes "the investigator" at the News-Press.
What is he investigating the week Laura abandons ship?

"Dec 13, 2008 - Some local scams are exposed The racket? Work-at-home, "mystery-shoppers" and other get-rich-quick schemes. Here's how they work: Local con men place nationwide ads offering information on work-at-home "opportunities" -- or they offer interviews for entry into a so-called "job placement program." You phone a toll-free number to inquire; their objective is to extract your credit card details -- and exact payment to "get you started" on what essentially is a non-starter."

His CIA/FBI contacts are useless? Laura Schlessinger's "America Supports You" is a big story for those who do care when the military and PR celebrities screw the troops and their families.
Why is Eringer writing in an elitist paper about scams that target
the poor and gullible?

The Department of Defense Inspector General report is far more important information for Americans to know.
Talk about "The racket?", investigate all radio celebrity "charities". KEYT TV reaches the people for smaller "get-rich-quick schemes".
Everyone, including the rich, need to know when their tax money is favoring PR over troop support.


Far more interesting is Eringer's pal, Jeff Stein, Congressional Quarterly...

The CIA and its reporter friends: Anatomy of a backlash
The backlash from the "intelligence community" over John Brennan's withdrawal -- which pro-Brennan sources are now claiming was actually forced on Brennan by the Obama team -- continues to intensify. Just marvel at how coordinated (and patently inaccurate) their messaging is, and -- more significantly -- how easily they can implant their message into establishment media outlets far and wide, which uncritically publish what they're told from their cherished "intelligence sources" and without even the pretense of verifying whether any of it is true and/or hearing any divergent views:
Jeff Stein, Congressional Quarterly, 12/5/2008:

A Note to Readers: SpyTalk has a Brand New Blog
As of this week, SpyTalk has expanded from a weekly column to a daily blog at Congressional Quarterly's new-ish CQ Politics site. I'll still be offering regular, in-depth reporting and analysis on national security issues, particularly the sprawling U.S. intelligence "community, there.

Jeff Stein wrote extensively about Eringer's work.
and will no doubt be there for Eringer's future court room drama.

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